Thursday, June 22, 2017

Dollhouse - Creative Writing #2

I hid under my kitchen table, waiting out the earthquake.

I moved in a week ago and my realtor said NOTHING about earthquakes. Ok, I didn't ask, but who would? I mean, an earthquake now and then, fine. This is California, after all. Earthquakes happen. But every day? Multiple times a day?! Yesterday there were four. The first one was slight, barely woke me out of bed. But the others were terrible! My dishes fell out of their cupboards, my dog fell down the stairs to the first floor... I had a mess to clean up, let me tell you!

Every day, earthquakes. The entire house shakes from the first floor up to the attic. It always starts the same, too. All of a sudden and then everything lifts and flops and jumps around. The couches and TV, the bookshelves and tables. Everything! Yesterday, I fell out of my bed when it began! I know I said the first wasn't bad, and it wasn't, but the second one was HUGE! At least a nine on the Richter scale! They are all like that, most of the time. 

So, now, I'm back under my table, hands over my head and neck, facing away from my windows and dishes. I'm terrified. My heart is beating so fast it feels like it's going to burst through my chest! My dog is somewhere, likely fallen on his side, again. Silly dog. He's always at the top of the stairs when these quakes happen. 

Ahh, finally, the quake stops. I carefully get out from under the table and look at the damage around my home. The cupboards are still closed, dishes are intact. My chairs are topsy-turvy and my dog is on his side by the stairs. Right. I've about had enough of this. My realtor needs to be fired!

... Wait. Did you see that? Oh. My. Gosh! I think I saw a hand! A huge, giant hand! 

I race to the window, hiding behind my curtains. They're red plaid and I can just see out from behind them. It's reaching into my house!!! It.... it.. oh no. Spot! RUN SPOT! 

Wait... it turned spot upright and ... oh no, where's it taking... Oh.. he's on the top of the stairs now. The hand is fixing my house up. It is putting chairs upright, the tables, my bed... Everything. My heart is definitely beating out of its chest. 

It's coming for me now! Where can I run? It's blocking my only way out!!

Oh, no! It got me! It's holding me.. carrying me up and up and... 

... lying me on my bed. This.. is so very weird. Ok. I'm going to stay here and rest. I can take a hint. 

The hand is leaving now. The earthquake is returning. It's gentler now, though. 

I think I'm going to just stay in my bed awhile, get some rest. My heart needs to calm down. 

And I need to rethink this move. A house with a giant living nearby?! 

I don't think so. 

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