Friday, March 20, 2020

2020, Do You Want To Hurt Me?

I have that song by Culture Club in my head as I think back through January 2020. It's only March and I'd already like a do-over for this year.

January was stressful due to a change in insurance for my family. We had to find new doctors, which is already kind of scary before you add on that I had an issue come up before the 2019 year was over. A stress test in October told my doctor I needed, at the very least, a heart cath. Of course, I learned this in December and told them, I was switching docs in January.

Fortunately, the new doc I had didn't waste time getting me to a new cardiologist who wasted no time in getting me scheduled for that heart cath.

I was scheduled for the heart cath in mid-February. I had about two weeks to fret and stress over it. I remembered my heart cath in March 2019 and recalled how much pain I was in during the procedure, during the stent portion, especially, and then having to recover on my back for five or six hours.

My back didn't like it.

So I had lots of time to really get nervous and anxious and cry. Lots of crying.

It was so very stressful to me. When I think back to it, it wasn't just the procedure, but the idea of having to wait, on my back, for 6 hours before I could get up or move. Six hours. And if I have to potty? Bedpan. Only babies can go while on their back. Ugh.

But it worried me, despite knowing it was fixable. And, of course, who will tend to our son? Why should he be out of school to sit all day, bored out of his mind, in a hospital? Thankfully, we have friends who were so helpful and took him overnight, got him to school, and picked him up after.

Without those friends, I'd have worried about him. They have no idea how grateful I am to them.

In the end, my blood pressure was too high and my hemaglobin lower than the procedural cardiologist liked, so he didn't put in the three stents I needed. And my blood pressure refused to lower. It'd cling to numbers above 150 because I was in pain. I was uncomfortable. I had to pee! But all I could do was sit and watch tv and doze off and on.

Finally, I went home. It wore me out, that day. I pretty much just moved slowly about for days and tried not to think too much about having to come back and do it all again for the stents. Ugh.

I ended up with appointments to see that cardiologist in a follow up. He sent me to a Hematologist (who says I'm not anemic by their standards) and an ENT who did a CT scan to make sure the Nose Bleeds of 2019 (yes, they deserve a title) didn't damage my sinuses.

Then, guess what? The coronavirus, aka Covid-19.

I mean, at this point, with the stress of ONLY the first two months, bleeding into the third month, of this year, this pandemic has me just sort of sitting here thinking, "Of course. What's next 2020? What else do you have up your sleeve? What else lies in store for us mere mortals who thought we had a handle on life, the universe, and everything?"

I dare to ask.

I mean, I'm even homeschooling my son, which I do anyways on top of his public school education, but now it's a must. He's shy about ZOOM meetings with his classmates. Our temple board meetings are on Zoom, too.

So, I put it out there. What's next? At this point, I'm too stressed about my health, in general, to be panicking about this things. I have no control over it. So why panic? I can only hope by following the CDC reccomendations that I don't get to be one of the many confirmed cases of the coronavirus.

Just look for me on FB. I'm one of the many parents cracking jokes about the struggles of homeschooling, enjoying the humor of non-teacher parents struggling with the realization that their angels might truly be more trouble than they thought, and that teachers are amazing people. Perhaps we needed this virus to bring some reality back. Reality that teachers aren't supposed to parent our children, but teach, but they do it anyways.

Anyways, I leave my question to 2020 as I did in the title with the video by Culture Club. It amuses me.

#HomeschoolProblems #Covid19 #Coronavirus #Venting #Humor #WhatNext #BringIt

Do You Want To Hurt Me

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